Correcting Issues With Industrial Equipment

Correcting Issues With Industrial Equipment

When A Factory Is Flooded: How To Deal With A Dangerous Problem

by Joann Freeman

When a factory floods, there are several special considerations you need to take. You are not only dealing with several inches to several feet of standing water, but also electrical connections, exposed wires, etc. What you need to do is safely pump the water out of the factory before you can dry everything and prevent costly accidents. In the event that history repeats itself (i.e., your factory floods again), you may want to look for Little Giant pumps for sale online. (Since these pumps are not sold everywhere, and they are in high demand, this may be the only way to buy one.) Once you have your pump, here is how to deal with this problem.

Find a Platform Above the Water Level

Find a position above the water line of the flooding in your factory. This will prevent you from being electrocuted if the water is currently electrically charged. Set up the pump on this platform, placing the suction hose down into the water and the pump-out hose extended out an exit of the factory and away from the foundation of your factory. If necessary, rent a tanker truck to collect the pumped water so that it cannot flow back into the factory.

Get and Use a Generator Too

As for the electrical power needed to generate the pump, you will need a generator, and this also has to be placed above the flood line, for obvious reasons. Be sure the generator has plug outlets, or you will not be able to plug in the pump. Also, it is advisable to place the generator some feet away from the water pump so that there are no electrocution issues between generator and pump.

When the Water Is All Gone, Wait for Evaporation to Take Over

Finally, you still cannot enter the factory floor until it is relatively dry. Once all the flood water has been pumped out, wait a couple weeks (if possible) for evaporation to remove the final traces of water from the floor. Then hire an electrician to check out all of the electrical stuff and make sure it is safe for everyone to return to work. The electrician can walk around the floor in rubber protective gear, which will provide him/her with the safety needed to check everything electrical. The electrician may suggest a few more days to dry everything out, depending on how much water got into your factory's equipment and electrical sources.


About Me

Correcting Issues With Industrial Equipment

When you manage a large factory, there are a lot of things that can go wrong with your production equipment, especially if you aren't keeping them up to date. I realized this lesson the hard way after we had several key pieces of machinery break down, and it was really frustrating. I knew that if I wanted to keep my business profitable, I had to work harder to make things right. I started going through and learning how to correct different problems with our machinery, and it was great to see the difference that it made. This blog is here to help other people to know how to improve problems with industrial equipment.

